Sunday, February 5, 2012

PPA - ImagingUSA - New Orleans

So every year the Professional Photographer's of America association has a national conference. I don't go every year. This is my second trip. The beauty of the the conference is that it is kind of whatever you need it to be...research products, vendors, educate yourself, hear amazing & inspiring photogs, get certified, etc.

This year I am in the process of re-launching my business and going full-time. So my adventure/goals for PPA for this year was to rethink my business, research vendors and network...and explore New Orleans.

I wanted to post images today I am catching up. 

P.S. I fell back in love with New Orleans and really got to meet some of the the people/artists of NOLA.


First day in New Orleans. Arrived too early to check in to my hotel, so I went for a walk. Just love the old buildings and signs...

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