Friday, October 21, 2011

Family Portrait Month - Warvel Park with the Wagner's

Celebrating Family with the Wagners.

October is Family Portrait Month

This is the 3rd year that I have participated in my association's Family Portrait Month for Operation Smile.  This year we have changed things up a bit....added an event at Manchester College, extended the family booking time period through the end of November and have opened the Halloween Portait Studio early!

This year's set-up features some very friendl little spiders...stop by or call and say 'boo'!  Cheers!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Travel Day

So I travel. A little. I'm a destination photographer. I travel to make pictures of people, places, events.  My main destination is Key West. My home base is in Indiana. I get around to places in between and around. Chicago is a favorite stop.  Last week, I left the Florida Keys at sunrise...kind of like a smile and a wave from an old friend. Bon voyage. See you soon.

Arrived back in Indiana late afternoon in time for a drive in the rain...a welcome home hug. (I know my daughter's hugs are just a short drive away now.)

And, I finally made time and stopped to take a picture of one of my favorite signs...did I mention I love signs...

Now that is a classic, great travel day!  (What's that thing they say, 'it's not the destination, it's the journey that matters most...' something like that.)