Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Baby DJ's first "Author poses"

First, what IS an "Author pose"? You know it--it's that portrait of the book's author inside the back dust cover. The one that just tells you so much about the person who wrote that amazing novel...you can just see it in their pose, expression, the serious off camera stare, that says, 'yes, indeed, I am the author'...I had a cat that inspired this game. He could do an amazing aloof "Author pose" for hours.

Anyway, it is a silly little game that I play with old friends and new. I always have my camera with me -- surprise. And usually, while enjoying a nice dinner or casual cocktail, talk of books leads to one of my favorite questions...'what would your author pose look like?' Then we shoot. Baby DJ is a natural, don't you think?

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