Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Discovering Tuska with Tabatsky

      I've been spending a little time in Lexington, Kentucky lately.  Here are a few images from my last visit.  You might wonder who, what, where and why...the answer is Tuska, an American-born artist, teacher and visionary who created an amazing body of artwork that explores the Human Condition.  His son, Seth, has been on a mission to share his father's artwork and legacy with the world.  In January, David Tabatsky, a New York artist, editor and performer visited Seth and Lexington. Enjoy as David discovers a little bit of Tuska's world.

The Fine Arts Building at the University of Kentucky.

     The Breakers.  Tuska's home and now Museum and Inspiration Center:

And, of course, you can't have a special visit without a little celebration....

For more information about the artist Tuska, visit or better yet...when in Lexington, stop by and be inspired.